Concert and dances, Jelgava,
18 January 2003
By performances of Finnish folk music group Tallari the festival
of musical traditions Rīga music began. It is not a festival in the
usual sense of this word. It is a cycle of acitvities, in the bounds of
which each month one foreign ensemble or musician will come to Riga and
will act in Riga, will conduct master classes in University and will go
to one of the districts' centres for perfrorming together with a local
This reporting is from the concert of Tallari and Dimzēns
in Jelgava, January the 18'th.
By first performed the hosts - Dimzēns. They began with instrumental
melodies on psalteries, after that they danced folk dances and sang callable
songs. The leader of the ensemble in the beginning has told, that they today
has a role of "warmers up", and this their self-sensation spoiled the
performance a little: they would act more freely and confidently, if
they feel itself as a partners fully valued partners of the Finns.
In Tallari there are four musicians, everyone plays on several
instruments. There are 2 squeeze-boxes, 2 violins, mandoline,
harmonia (portable organ), contrabass and bow fidel. There is a woman
singer in group too - with a beautiful, strong voice, which sometimes
joined by other participants. Both instrumental and vocal rendition was
very qualitative, even professional.
The repertoir of ensemble is very wide - from lovely, traditional waltzes,
until modern authors' songs and country-like arrangements. Certainly, group
has some variety features, for example, separate singer - village musicians
don't has something like that. Also in repertoir there are products which
are not having anything common with the folk music. But, anyway, the ensemble
performs the authentic folk music too.
After the concert danced and played both Kaustinenans, Jelgavans and Rigans.
All had an opportunity to eat refreshments prepared by the hosts.
Songs' recordings from this activity:
Article: Ansis Ataols Bērziņš, 1 February 2003
Photos: Ansis Ataols Bērziņš