How you can help us
Sure, it's not easy to develop and support this server. So we will be
very grateful for your help.
First, you could make a small donation to support the development
of Latvian Folklore server. The easyest way, how to do it, is to pay with
credit card via Internet. Click here,
if you are interested in information, how to donate by credit card.
If you prefer other payement ways,
please contact us by E-mail.
But of course, you could help us also if you have not money for donation.
If you are a Web page's owner, please add a link of our server to your page:
Latvian folklore server folklora.lt
To do it copy and paste to your page the following code:
<!-- begin of folklora.lt link code -->
<A HREF="http://folklora.lt/">
Latvijas folkloras serveris<BR><B>folklora.lt</B>
<!-- end of folklora.lt link code -->
If you like graphic links more than text links, you could add to your
page our button:
Press right mouse button on button image and save it to an image file;
copy this file to the same directory you have your HTML file. Copy
and paste the following code to your HTML file:
<!-- begin of folklora.lt link code -->
<A HREF="http://folklora.lt/">
<IMG SRC="v_folk.gif" HEIGHT=40 WIDTH=120 ALT=folklora.lt BORDER=0>
<!-- end of folklora.lt link code -->
Thank you!
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