From The "Maybe They Won't Notice" Dept.
Attending the
Latvian Welfare Association "Daugavas Vanagi"
Christmas program December 11 at the Latvian House in Minneapolis, we
noticed a certificate of recognition hanging on a wall.
Signed by Gov. Jesse Ventura, the certificate was issued in
June and marks the 58th anniversary of Soviet-led deportations
from Latvia. "This certificate of recognition," the document reads in part,
"is presented to the Latvian Decendence who live in
Minnesota with the appreciation and respect of the people of
Minnesota." Oops! Shouldn't that be
From The Virtual To The Real
The same
Christmas program featured Ansis Ataols Berzins
in a one-man mini-concert of Latvian folk songs. Berzins, scheduled to return
to Latvia this week after studying Cajun culture in Louisiana for two months,
also is known as the creator of the well-done folklora.lt site in Riga.
Among tunes performed by Berzins was
momena, audzynoji," which is available online in MP3